How to get your first order on Fiverr as a beginner?
Hi, welcome to this blog post where you will find good information on why you are not getting orders on Fiverr, and what you need to do to get your first order as a beginner.
From my regular audience, many of you guys are reaching out to me through my Instagram and Facebook page, sending me messages like – you have learned some skills, created a profile and gig on Fiverr, but you’re not getting order. Then, asked me to guide you – what can you do to get your first project online? And is there anything I can do for you?
Well, I am not a member of Authority Team, but as an experienced freelancer on Fiverr, I am going to share my knowledge, and going to give you some tips – which will be helpful for you to get your first order- soon.
So, if you are interested to learn about all the tips, please read this post till the end.
Without further ado, let’s dive into the topic-
After having your Fiverr profile created properly, the next most important thing to do is- creating a stunning SEO friendly gig on Fiverr, so that your gig will rank and potential clients will started seeing it, and the more clients come to your gig, better opportunity to get an order, right?
So, here the reasons behind why you are not getting orders is not having a ranked gig on Fiverr or the information you provided on gig, may be the pricing or the description is not convincing the potential buyer to place an order.
So, let’s talk about how you can get rid of the issues and rank your gig on first page?
While we create a gig – we have several parts to take care of and the first one is – creating a meaningful, keyword optimized title, which will help you get a good impression and rank on Fiverr.
Your gig title should have the key phrases that clients use to find sellers for a specific service. You will find some keyword idea by searching on Fiverr itself.

Then you have to set up the best category information that describes your service, it will help you to get buyer requests in future. We will learn about this below.
Put relevant keywords in the search tag option, so, when any client enter the search tags in the Fiverr search bar, these tags will help your gig to show up on the results. While you put the keywords, try to put less competitive ones to get higher ranking faster.

Let’s move on pricing:
At the beginning of your freelancing journey, set the pricing to the minimum you could go with. I am not encouraging you to destroy the market by going too low, but suggesting you to set the price to minimum wage for the service, you can have a good idea on what would be a good price by looking over some other similar service sellers profile.
As a beginner, you need a starting edge, you have to acquire trust, reputation and you need some good reviews.
Please don’t think about the amount of money you’re making until you reach to Level 1. Do high quality work for almost nothing, consider it as a long term investment. When you have a status of good reviews from many orders, then increase the pricing slowly.
There is a saying- “Look after the pennies and the dollars will look after themselves!” – You got the point, right?
In the description, you have write a brief of your service, experience and what your client could expect from you. Put your main keyword two time in the first 160 words on the overview, and then go for the rest.
PS: Don’t try to be over smart by putting many skills and services you know, focus on one service that you mentioned on the title (the reason why client found you and came to visit your gig), and if there are some relevant skills, that could benefit you, put them.
And finally, you have to add catchy images on your gig, try to use three images. The image names should be keyword optimized.
If you have an eye catching image as your gig thumbnail, clients will notice it from the crowd, and they will click on it, and again, the more visitors come to your shop, more opportunities to get sales.
If it is possible, add a demo video on the gig, it will make your gig standing healthier.

So, now you have learned about creating gigs with SEO optimization. Do I have more to share with you?
Yes, at a place above, I mentioned Buyer Request, right?, let me give you some info about this feature:
Some clients loves to make a job post instead of looking at gigs on Fiverr, and the job posts shows up on our Buyer Request section by following the algorithms of tags, and job category we selected before.
Buyer Requests are a great way to reach out to client directly, if you could convenience a client with a short, straight forward proposal, there is a chance to get an order easily!
Please check out buyer request example and how I send proposal to them from the image below:

As a new seller, you will get very few requests available each day, they will appear randomly for a very short time period. In this case being online for as long hours as you could will help you to catch some to send proposals.
Online Status:
Staying online is the key to get a project faster, because a major number of clients want to find sellers who are available online to discuss their project, and to place order. If you are in offline mode, in some case – even when some clients visits your profile, they will prefer to place the order to someone else just because they are available online for a quick chat.

I realized, it is not possible to keep ourselves stay online for whole day, but let me share a tool that will help you to stay online almost all the time even when you’re doing something else!
The tool is – Super Auto Refresh plus plugin.
When you set up the tool for a page to get refreshed after a certain time period, it will automatically refresh the page. This way, it will keep your status ONLINE. I would suggest you to keep it in 5 minutes mood, so your profile will be safe.

And, please make sure you have downloaded the Fiverr app on your phone, so whenever a client knocks you, you will get a sound notification, so you will be able to reply to them fast and response rate is another important essential fact that client consider while hiring a seller for their project.
My last, but not least tips is – please be patient. Sometime it takes time to get a gig ranked, and to get any order.
I know many peoples who got their first order in the first day of creating their gig, and I know peoples who got their first order after couple of months.
However it goes, please keep learning and keep trying, in online community, if you have skills, you will find clients, if not today, but certainly someday.
Never give up….
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Kind Regards,