data entry and freelancing

What is Data Entry in Freelancing and How to Learn the Skills?

Data entry is the process of transferring or entering information or data from one resource to another. It could be transferring information from a non-digital media, mainly paper or a website, onto a digital software program or platform. It becomes available for usage in the digital world and its many applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and custom software, etc.

how to start freelaning

How to Start Freelancing as a Beginner? Full Guide

To start freelancing as a beginner, you need to learn skills which has demand in marketplaces, practice on demo projects to gain experience and build a portfolio on any specific subject. When you will have the knowledge, skills, and experience in a chosen subject – you have to join Freelance Marketplaces – such as Fiverr,…

Email Marketing with MailChimp – Step by Step with Video Tutorial!

Email Marketing with MailChimp – Step by Step with Video Tutorial!

Hi there, welcome to Learners World and this is Azharul Rafy once again! Through this blog post – I will share a Step by Step video to learn Email Marketing with Mailchimp. This post is going to be helpful for any person who is interested to learn email marketing for their personal interest, for their…